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ADP DM turns a “NO” into 150k in Roll Call


Background: 500 employee, multi-EIN, hospitality management company with plans to double in size over the next two years. The client was previously using two HCM vendors spread across their EINs and was looking to consolidate to one.

Situation: Client was exploring the HCM technology market and the ADP DM was in a highly competitive sales process. The client was trying to stick to a budget and ADP was not the cheapest option presented, but price was not the primary objection. They did not have the resources to fully execute an implementation and there were costly errors being made with their current vendors.

Challenge: Management didn’t have the ability to review punches in real time, standardized reporting was impossible with the multi-vendor setup, errors in employee deductions were a common occurrence, and ACA reporting was not being properly handled. The compressed timeline of the implementation was a top concern of the C-Suite so they decided to push their decision to the following year.

Action: The ADP DM incorporated HCM Unlocked into their sales process and was able to set a meeting with the CEO. The ADP DM successfully articulated the ramifications of delaying the buying decision by removing the top objection: the lack of internal resources.

Result: The ADP DM leveraged a 2-month free promotion and positioned HCM Unlocked as a strategic partner who would take ownership of the project plan and ensure completion, without strapping the resources of the client. The DM won the deal worth over 150k in roll call.

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