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ADP ACA Case Study


Background: 300 employee restaurant management company using BenefitMall payroll. Client was facing over $150,000 in ACA penalties that the ADP DM was able to leverage into a conversation about upgrading their HCM technology.

Situation: The client was understandably unhappy with their current HCM vendor but had to tackle the larger issue of a six-figure IRS penalty before they could address anything else. HCM Unlocked was hired to correct the mistakes in two years’ worth of 1094/1095-C filings.

Challenge: The previous HCM vendor was not taking responsibility for the incorrect filing and the client didn’t have the time or resources to figure it out alone.

Result: The ADP DM leveraged HCM Unlocked as a strategic partner. HCM Unlocked was able to fix the prior year’s filings, allowing the client to focus on a strategy to make sure this didn’t happen in the future, and the ADP DM was able to successfully sell a new logo.

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